As the American media said that most people want to get IPAD as a Christmas gift as Apple iPad panel of the computer has become the most popular adult 'toy this year. But you might not know the following 10 reasons will IPAD is not suitable Christmas gift is an ideal choice.
1.Sposobnosti new model will be much more better
iPad next generation will provide some new features, such as would come with better screens and can take videos of meetings and so dalje.Funkcije IPAD first generation is worse when compared with the second IPAD. Steve Jobs said the service IPAD a slow speed when displaying the second iPhone
2 IPAD will reduce the price in 2011
Experts predict that the Apple iPad 2 will be released in 2011, it will make the IPAD a reduced price for everyone will follow all the latest gadgets vremena.Cijena IPAD with 8GB memory card is $ 599 for the release of IPAD 1, and the price becomes $ 399 after a few months . It should be the rule in the latest digital gadgets on the market.
3.Profitna rate of IPAD is very high
Apple is not a technology company, but luxury brands like Tiffany. Apple attracts buyers to purchase any of the latest gadgets. It is unimaginable to the gross profit rate of 41% of Apple during the last Christmas. This is really good for Apple and its shareholders, but unfavorable to customers.
4 Competitors come
Currently, there is one major competitor for the IPAD Galaxy Tab from Samsung. The situation will change in a few months to dolaska.Novi board computer with the adoption of the new Android system will hit the market in the next March, which will offer more choices for customers.
5 Using cost
Price is $ 499 starter, which is twice the PC.Kupac who bought a starter IPAD regrets capacity is just 16GB, and can only connect to a WiFi internet, you can not achieve most of IPAD funkcija.Korisnici should be used if the 3G edition want to use iPad anywhere. A price of 3G iPad starter is $ 629, a monthly service fee is $ 15.
6 Flash incompatible
If users hoping to watch online video, shared laptop or PC can be achieved for free. However, it faces the problem of using IPAD for most videos with Adobe Flash technology, which is not supported by IPAD. As a result, users can watch video clips, internet and buy movies from Apple iTunes or use a paid service such as YouTube Plus.
7 IPAD people will feel bored gradually
Popular latest gadgets will just next year, and people feel bored of new things in a shirt time. Palm Pilot hit the market in the 1990s and be forgotten now. IPAD will experience a similar way.
8 Game addiction problems
Games on IPAD are interesting, it will cause problems depending on the game for korisnike.Igre IPAD will attract more and more players play when compared to games on the computer. In fact, many users are using IPAD playing games instead of reading the news.
9 Unbearable love for Apple
Users and experts from the apple craze for each product from Apple, and jobs held view of this product will all change when the re-introduction of Apple products, which makes the situation unbearable people.
10 loss of life
The Internet is a black hole, surfing online is often a loss života.Korisnici can get access to the internet anytime anywhere with the iPad, which will waste a lot of time to do other things.
Will you change your idea to buy the latest gadgets IPAD this year as one of the most beautiful Christmas gift after reviewing the above reasons?
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